Passionate about ERP and… sustainable commuting
Welcome to my blog! I try to divide my attention between my passion for (automating) business processes and promoting cycle commuting.
Two common denominators: Sustainability and efficiency!
Most Dynamics content will be in English, most cycling content in Dutch.
Een fiets als auto, hoe rijdt dat nou?
De afgelopen 2 maanden zijn er een paar nieuwe bezoekadressen toegevoegd aan het klantenbestand. Superleuk natuurlijk, maar daardoor stijgt het aantal vragen over mijn vervoermiddel ook weer. Dat is óók leuk – ik praat graag, en sta met plezier bekend als de fietsende consultant. Echter zeggen beelden meer dan duizend woorden. Komt dat even goed…
Juni 2020: Capaciteit!
Hallo lief netwerk, deze Navision & Business Central specialist heeft weer tijd! Ik ben op korte termijn beschikbaar voor een nieuw interim project (3 dagen per week, meer in overleg). Enkele suggesties: Implementatieconsultant, developer (zowel maatwerk als add-ons/extensies), applicatiebeheerder, business analist, integratieconsultant, etc. Ervaring met alle versies van Business Central (SAAS en on premise) en…
An application object of type X is already declared
Yes, it’s a Visual Studio Code error, and it has been bugging me for days. No, that’s too mild. It has been driving me nuts! Of course, the message is clear, and you’d think the solution is simple. The only problem is: The application object has not already been declared. There’s only one. The Problem…
Efficiency in E-Commerce & the story of my feet
Before anybody asks: EU 49, UK 14.5. This blog is as much about my personal frustration (of crappy webshops, not being able to find a decent variety of shoes, and more), as it is about recent developments in our E-Commerce world. The past few years, parcel services have been all over the news in the…
NavTechDays 2019 per fiets!
Nadat ik in minder dan twee jaar tijd 110.000 km in de auto doorgebracht had, was ik eigenlijk wel klaar met sturen en schakelen. Een Tesla met AutoPilot zou dat probleem grotendeels oplossen, maar in files is een Tesla helaas precies even snel als alle andere auto’s. Zo fit als ik vroeger was, was ik…
Running Docker on Windows Server
Microsofts most modern server OS has some technical advantages over it’s predecessor, and together with Docker makes for a very versatile platform to develop large apps, and of course add-ons for Business Central On-Premise. If you’re looking to quickly get a BC on Docker environment up and running, read on! Step 1: What to get?…
Getting Started with Docker
Yes, a blog about NAV/BC on Docker! “Docker” seems to be battling “VS Code” for the blockchain-status of the NAV/Business Central world. Everybody seems to be talking about it. I’ve been using it for about a year now, and rest assured, I’ve struggled. Multiple times. Often enough to share what I’ve learned. The mere fact…
Lost in Extensions: About companion tables
After having a fairly smooth Friday, I was in my car driving to pick up my son when a migration consultant (let’s just call him Mike) called about a mutual customer. Mike told me something I don’t want to hear on Friday around 17:30: We’ve just ran another conversion to prepare for testing next week,…
An unknown language was selected (8192)
Yet another blog that was inspired by a phone call: Yesterday, a “new” Dynamics NAV (AL) developer who had to venture into good old C/Side called me about getting an error message when starting the program. “An unknown language was selected (8192).” came up right after clicking the icon, after which the program would close.…
A Dynamics NAV Database… on a Linux server?
Let’s go ahead and admit it: I just have a thing for open source software. FreeBSD and Ubuntu Linux really tickle my fancy. Free, lightweight, fully customizable, versatile, yet world-renowned for stability. This “thing” used to be totally useless when your daily work is all about Microsoft. Recently, things have changed… Because Microsoft released SQL…